AC power loss indication (Feature Request)

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AC power loss indication (Feature Request)

This post was updated on .
Perhaps this should be feature request, rather than a bug report :)
I have an external battery plugged in which works great with the MeanWell PSU.   When I pull the AC power, the battery takes over no problem, but there is no alert or log entry to indicate this.   When AC is restored, I do get both a log entery and an alert (via SMS).

Here is the log entry:
#  27 : 14:48:22 Thu 01.10.2020 : System main power On. : Flags: SMS

Just missing one for power off.


Edited to add this seems to be working now.  I think it just takes a while to raise the alarm, so to speak.  

17:41:50 Fri 02.10.2020 System main power Off. SMS

And I get the SMS so this seems to be working.
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Re: AC power loss indication (Feature Request)

Hello Charlie,

I was checking what is wrong. Now I think I understand, there is 60 seconds delay between the On and Off message.
So it AC needs to be at least 60 off until the gateway issue an off message. But you are right with the On message, it is issued even after one second power is off, and then AC is turned on.

This 60 seconds is to overcome frequent On / Off messages, but I guess I need to add a flag. Will prepare a new build.

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Re: AC power loss indication (Feature Request)

Hello Charlie,

I committed new build which should fix it.