ATZ (zone doubling) support?

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ATZ (zone doubling) support?

Hi, I wonder how feasible is to support ATZ feature? I've played with code a bit and it seems to be working, however I had to use some odd resistor values, because Paradox ones ( have over 4k resistance and cannot seem to be read by the OHS board.

The code is more like of a POC, not configurable and not really integrated, but I would be happy to hear your thoughts on this subject
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Re: ATZ (zone doubling) support?


let me first understand, why do you need zone doubling? To have more then one PIR connected to one gateway zone? Or to have the same zone monitored by 2 independent PIR?

Also for first option, more PIR on same zone, they can be connected only serial, or parallel or does it not matter?

The PIR has just NC/NO contacts or it has some internal resistance?
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Re: ATZ (zone doubling) support?

Well, this ties into another topic - home automation. For home automation
it is important to have different sensors in different zones so you could
follow their status independently.
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Re: ATZ (zone doubling) support?

I agree. I have one PIR per one room. Do you need more then one PIR per one gateway zone?

But you will then loose the granularity of witch of the PIR is actually triggered. This is not necessary a bad thing, you can have a long hallway or bigger room, and it actually makes a perfect sense.

I think is is possible to put more then one PIR on one gateway zone. But not sure what you need.