Compiling GW Firmware

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Compiling GW Firmware

Hi all,

I'm just in process of preparing for adopting of OHS technology.
During verification of my Arduino IDE environment I tried to compile the main_board.cpp.
I crashed on the libraries. There is a lot of included libraries in the main code, I can divide them to three categories:
1.) Library included in OHS Git - OK.
2.) Library which I was able to find between standard Arduino libraries in Arduino IDE or it is possible to download them from internet - Here I'm not sure about the versions or if there is any modification in their code for gatway optimalization.
3.) Libraries which I was not able to find (NilRS485, NilGSM...)

Please, is it possible to add included library on github, or specify them in source code or in any doc?

Thanks and Best Regards
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Re: Compiling GW Firmware

Hello Filip,

All should be present in
There are complete libraries need to compile GW firmware. Also I have updated the Compiling page.
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Re: Compiling GW Firmware

Hello Adam,

Thanks for that "bunch" of libraries.

According to the firmware source I have (hope last) question - is there any reason, why the main code is *.cpp and not Arduino native *.ino file type?

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Re: Compiling GW Firmware

Hello Filip,

no major reason, just it started originally as Atmel Studio project. And I do use external editor for any sketch bigger then hundred lines.
