Trigger actually does not produce MQTT event. Publishing for MQTT is now only done for all Sensors, Inputs and Groups.
Trigger on zone or sensor is able to create push message to another node. Or/and is able to push event to log. Logger then issues trigger alter, that is email, sms, page.
Dummy to_node is something I want to do for clearness. But is can be done even now I hope, you just select Pass as Off. That is the value is not to be passed to another node, assuming you only need Logging On to issue alert.
I'm not saying that MQTT publish cannot be done for zones. It just have to be tested.
My concerns are about Ethernet library. I had to add disable interrupt commands into it, because the RFM69 library is not following SPI sharing. Basically it interrupts Ethernet chip in the middle of SPI communication. This is the only thing that generally bothers me.
My future plans is to get rid of this RFM69 library and use, or create library that will follow the SPI transaction standards. I have seen attempts to add the SPI transaction to this otherwise nice library, but they do not work properly in RTOS environment.