Hello Peter,
gateway is reporting many of its states trough MQTT. So it is easy to use its states on many home automation platforms. I personally use MQTT app on my Android phone to manually switch On/Off some devices connected to gateway and to have overview of sensors. I do not use any home automation platform, as there is build some functionality into gateway itself. Like do action on PIR. Do action based on time or day. Do action when some sensor value raises or fall ..., enough for my purposes.
Gateway has 8 balanced and 4 unbalanced zones. But ofcourse you can have some PIRs connected is series. But expansion through I2C is possible, I have in past started development of expansion board, but I did not finish. As now, there is, I hope, more flexible solution to use RS485(wired) or wireless expansion. Gateway knows how to handle such expansion boards, and they can vary in number of zones. So it can be one single battery powered PIR or stripped down version of gateway with 8 analog zones. I can help you with that, in fact I will post some examples soon on blog how it is done.