Hello cbor,
thanks :)
Let me explain a bit. Zones(individual PIRs or reed swithes) are joined into elements called Groups. So you can have one perimeter group, and second group for rest of internal PIRs. Normally each group must have at least one, or more, iButton authentication node in order to arm/disarm the whole group. Also the group can be chained in arm and also in disarm chains. That is, if you arm internal group, gateway see the chain and arm your perimeter group automatically. All this is configured in web interface.
Now to your question, iButton code transfer is so fast and happens at predefined protocol speed, so you cannot do something more with it. But I think there are number of way to do what you want.
First, have 2 iButton connected to one node. Easiest to do, but maybe ugly to have two such readers.
Second, to add a switch next to iButton reader to select perimeter group or internal group.
Third, something similar you wrote. By modifying software of iButton node only, you can wait for repeated authentication. So let's say one read of iButton will act as perimeter group. Two subsequent reads withing 2 second period will act as internal group.
The gateway code will not need any changes for any of above. What do you like most? I can help you with the code if you need.
Also, do not worry for your English, I'm also not native speaker (Czech Republic).